Newtown Sports & Events Center

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

NAC Sports Training Center

An Update From Our Staff

As we think about the future of health and wellness, we recognize that we are all part of a larger community of organizations, cities, and individuals taking immediate, necessary steps to care for our well-being. With that in mind, we have updated our 2020-2021 safety protocols for the indoor sports training center.

The following safety procedures will be effective immediately:

Athletes and coaches must wear a mask at all times. When participating in sports lessons, clinics, practices, etc.

Parents & guardians are not permitted inside the facility. Once you check-in your athlete, we kindly ask that you do not congregate in the lobby and promptly exit the facility.

Capacity will be carefully monitored at all times. The winter season is going to be a very busy one at the sports training center. It is best to keep the capacity low for the safety of our athletes and staff.

Increased sanitation throughout the facility. We have aligned our standards with guidance from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and local government. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. We look forward to a safe and healthy winter season where our athletes can continue to be active and participate in youth sports with their teammates.

For more information on our health & safety guidelines at NAC Sports Training Center, contact
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